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santai is a project to explore and develop contemporary Javanese design furniture. it is based in Jogjakarta, the seat of ancient kingdoms and cultural heart of java. we are a team, consisting of a German project coordinator and Javanese designers. our furniture is inspired by the lifestyle and culture of java and has a new exotic design. we apply traditional skills and style elements and let them shine in a new light. we exclusively use sustainable materials native to java and seek mutual learning with partners from java, wherefore all santai furniture is produced by local enterprises.


santai furniture brings you the feeling of a slow moment in java, enabling you to create equally cozy spaces at home. the individual pieces help to build little retreats of rest, togetherness and creativity. our furniture promotes the casual atmosphere with comforting ergonomics, inspiring shapes and natural materials. on the tropical island of java, people devote a significant proportion of their day to moments of rest and togetherness. especially in the afternoon, when the sun slowly sets, families and friends gather and laze about in their veranda chairs or on benches of a mobile cafe under the tree. the cozy atmosphere comes hand in hand with a spirit of creativity and unconventionality.


java, once the seat of blossoming kingdoms and recipient of multicultural influx, has a rich pool of arts, manual skills and exotic style elements. however, the true beauty of javanese culture and style aren’t fully transported by current products yet and local stakeholders are growingly looking outwards for new inspiration. as a consequence, traditional products, motifs and skills are threatening to disappear – and with them elements of local culture. santai redirects the orientation to looking inwards at java’s own talents again. through the creation of fresh designs and the new application of traditional skills we want to contribute to revitalizing elements of javanese culture.

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